We all want a barber or stylist who knows what they’re doing. Sometimes we may walk into the barbershop and know exactly what services we want and how we want to look and feel when we walk out, but other times we may be looking for suggestions or advice.

Either way, your barber or stylist must have the expertise to provide whatever it is you’re looking for. But it’s hard to evaluate expertise when you’re trying a new barbershop or hair salon for the first time. Usually, we turn to friends or family for recommendations, but another great way to evaluate a new barbershop or salon is by the products they use and sell.

The products in a barbershop or hair salon say a lot about that establishment. If a barber or stylist can successfully use and talk about the products in their shop, customers will be more likely to trust their opinion. They’ll take those products home, try for themselves, and hopefully return to the barbershop or salon happy with the results.

If barbers and stylists can find effective solutions to customers’ hair or beauty woes using the products they sell and use in their shops, that shows they’re listening and that they have the expertise to meet their customers’ needs.

Here are some important questions to help you as you’re checking out a new barbershop or salon. 

  • Is there a good variety in the types of products?

    Some shops sell just hair care products, but others may provide a wide array of beauty products such as skincare products, beard and shaving products, fragrances, home and bath products, and more. Too little or too much variety might be cause for concern. Also, look at the diversity of the types of products and the conditions they treat. A good barber or stylist will be able to treat any kind of hair–straight, curly, long, short, frizzy, oily, and so on.

  • Do the barbers and stylists actually use the products they sell on the shelves?

    If you’re at a barber or salon that doesn’t even use the products they’re selling, that might be a red flag. You want your barber or stylist to demonstrate how the products are used in real life and have the ability to explain why those products are specifically useful for you personally. Using their own products and illustrating their benefits proves that they are listening to their customers and that they understand their individual needs.

  • Are the tools, products, and the shop itself tidy and clean?

Beyond just the saleable products on the shelves, it’s also vital to examine the tools and the products in use at the shop. Hygiene and cleanliness are essential to a successful barbershop or salon. You probably wouldn’t feel comfortable with a place that doesn’t clean their tools properly or with one that leaves the products or workstations in disarray.

At Classic Cuts Barbershop, we are always looking for new customers who we can share our product expertise and our traditional style of barbering with. Book your appointment online today and visit our shop to see the place and meet the people for yourself!


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